LogiCert is the complete program to obtain the maximum results for your warehouse in terms of performance and safety. In a world deeply influenced by delivery times, the positioning in the market of your company depends on the warehouse efficiency, today more than ever.

Thanks to our consolidated experience with a wide range of sectors and realities, LogiCert ensures maximum performance in terms of:

  • efficiency and effectiveness of the warehouse structures
  • staff efficiency and effectiveness
  • efficiency and effectiveness of the computer system
  • state of the warehouse equipment and infrastructure
  • compliance with regulations

Your sole interlocutor for the maximum guarantee

Understanding, thanks to a precise analysis, how much your warehouse can be improved
Optimizing existing structures and equipment by implementing only what is necessary to ensure the best performance
Being supported by a technical and commercial team able to select the best solutions on the market
Training and monitoring staff to maximize investment and ensure high standards of safety
Monitoring performance so as to predict problems, slowdowns, anticipating possible future needs
Complying with all regulations in force

The three steps of excellence


Through the analysis of all the key points of our method, this first check up provides to your company an overview based on technical data, not only on how much your logistics complies with the laws in force, but also on how it is possible to obtain greater efficiency and marginality through an optimization project.

This translates into savings, safety and better performance, which can be achieved by optimizing the performance of equipment already in the company, through their enhancement and integrating new tools only if really necessary. All activities will be coordinated by a single contact person, so that the relationship can be managed in a direct and confidential way.


After analyzing data, opportunities and strategies you will be free to request without commitment an activity to implement what has been analyzed in the check up step. As in the LogiCheck stage, the Massa team will be coordinated by your contact person.

We will develop a plan that allows you to put into practice what have been developed, ensuring results on time.


All the activities developed according to the LogiCert method have a certificate that ensures that the logistics department has been organized and trained to the highest quality standards. This document, issued by one of our specialized engineers, aims to acknowledge the staff and managers who concretely contribute to the achievement of the recorded performances.

LogiCert, a guarantee over the years
LogiCert is also an annual plan that guarantees our customers the security of having a logistics system that adequately meets their needs. Being sure to maintain, over time, the performances of your logistics department so as to keep them at optimal levels.

Updates from the magazine Move-it

Ask now for your LogiCheck

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